Product Spotlight

Discover how our unique features, from effortless bill splitting to
secure payments, can simplify your financial management
and enhance your social experiences.

Product Spotlight

Product Spotlight

Discover how our unique features, from effortless bill splitting to secure payments,
can simplify your financial management and enhance your social experiences.

Discover how our unique features, from effortless bill splitting to secure payments,
can simplify your financial management and enhance your social experiences.

Coliving simplified!

Manage all household expenses with your flatmates without the hassle of collecting money and awkard reminders.

Manage all household expenses with your flatmates without the hassle of collecting money and awkard reminders.

Pay utility bills

Pay utility bills

Setup once and periodically pay your utility bills like electricity, gas, broadband etc. and never miss a due date.

Setup once and periodically pay your utility bills like electricity, gas, broadband etc. and never miss a due date.

Splitkaro Payments

Splitkaro Payments

Pay your share via UPI for all transactions done on Splitkaro .

Pay your share via UPI for all transactions done on Splitkaro .

Friends not on Splitkaro?
Don't worry!

Friends not on Splitkaro?
Don't worry!

To get your money back, just share a payment link and your friends can pay on any browser .

To get your money back, just share a payment link and your friends can pay on any browser .

Still using Splitwise?

Import all your groups and expenses from Splitwise with a single tap.

Import all your groups and expenses from Splitwise with a single tap.

Split online bills.

Fetch bills from order history of your favorite delivery apps like Zomato, Swiggy and Bigbasket and split them itemwise.

Fetch bills from order history of your favorite delivery apps like Zomato, Swiggy and Bigbasket and split them itemwise.

Manage your expenses today!
Download our App!

Manage your expenses today! Download our App!

Manage your expenses today! Download our App!